Frequently Asked Questions

 What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is a collaborative discovery process that takes place between you and your coach. Life Coaching can focus at whatever area of life you desire. As you participate in the coaching process, you will find yourself facing new opportunities for growth and action.

 What Can Life Coaching Do For Me?

  • Provide you with a safe space to explore your life
  • Highlight your values, strengths, passions and dreams
  • Help you identify your life purpose
  • Help you gain clarity in a various aspects of your life
  • Offer perspective when you’re feeling overwhelmed
  • Help you to prioritize
  • Help you identify your roadblocks
  • Alert you to ways you sabotage yourself
  • Highlight action steps to take
  • Support you to take the next step

Do you coach from any particular faith perspective?

I consider myself a Christian and am rooted in Christian teachings and values. Being a Christian is my “come-from”. It informs the way I see and do things. For example, I believe that every human being is created by God for a purpose.

Do I need to consider myself a Christian in order to work with you?

No. I am open to and enjoy working with people of all faiths.   I can respect wherever people are coming from.

How is coaching different from mental health therapy?

Coaching does not involve the assessment, diagnosis or treatment of mental or emotional disorders and conditions. Mental health therapy does.

Do you take insurance?


How much does it cost?

I have a fee which can be discussed beforehand.

How long are coaching sessions?

Sessions are usually 45-50 minutes long.

How often are coaching sessions?

Sessions are usually held two times per month. An initial three month commitment is suggested as most helpful, since life exploration and growth can take awhile.

Where do coaching sessions take place?

Sessions take place at my home office, or by phone if preferred.

How do I learn more?

I am willing to talk with you by phone or e-mail, or to sit down with you over a cup of coffee to explore any questions or concerns you may have about coaching as a possibility for you.